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Gyms Brisbane Northside

Which is better for weight loss – cardio or weights? You’ve probably heard this elusive question asked before, and for a good reason! Each option has its benefits, and a healthy balance of both allows us to increase our fitness and strength simultaneously. Knowing how to choose a Brisbane Gym is extremely important, as this can influence your progress more than you realize.

Cardio is often categorized as activities like running, cycling, or swimming, when, in fact, cardio is anything that raises your heart rate. With that being said, if cardio is your exercise method of choice, you would like to add more cardio to your current fitness plan, or it’s never been ‘your thing,’ there is an abundance of options to choose from to make it work for you.

In the cardio section of the gym, you’ll find equipment such as treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, stair climbers, rowers – the list goes on. To make the most of your cardio workout and help aid in weight loss, try either LISS or HIIT:

♣ LISS (low-intensity steady-state) is where your heart rate is at 50 – 70% of its maximum for an extended period, like a brisk 30-minute walk. LISS is great for increasing your base rate of fitness. In other words, LISS is engaging in slower activity for a more extended period. There are Stafford Gym and fitness facilities available now to accommodate virtually every factor and consideration involved in your decision-making process.

♣ HIIT (high-intensity interval training) involves short bursts of energy at 70 – 90% of your maximum heart rate followed by rest or active recovery, then repeated, like treadmill sprints. HIIT Improves how efficiently your heart, lungs, and muscles use oxygen during exercise, otherwise known as your VO2 max. It also allows you to improve your recovery rate and burn calories in a shorter amount of time.

If you enjoy lifting weights more than using cardio machines – don’t worry! You can hit your cardio and weight loss goals here as well. Increasing your reps or working time while simultaneously decreasing your rest will ensure your heart rate remains elevated throughout the entire workout. Taking those first few steps towards establishing a Fitness Lifestyle can very well be intimidating, especially if the decision is made to sign-up for a Gym Membership Brisbane.

Supersets (alternating between two different exercises back to back before rest) or trisects (alternating between three exercises back to end before rest) are a great option here.

It’s less about what you do and more about what you enjoy. The more you enjoy something, the more likely you are to maintain consistency – the key to getting results!

1. Choose a realistic goal 
Picking the right goal can motivate you no end. But choosing the wrong one can drain you, exhaust you, and torpedo your motivation. So, do you want a big, hairy, audacious goal or a less exciting, easily-achievable, smaller goal? The answer is: somewhere in the middle.

Firstly, research shows that weight loss motivated by a specific goal is more likely to be successful. Secondly, it also tells us that more specific plans and goals are associated with more weight loss, especially among those wanting to lose a lot of weight. Finally, studies have also found that setting unrealistic weight loss goals can hinder your results.

Therefore, the best place to start is to weigh yourself and calculate a loss that’s somewhere in the vicinity of 5-10% of your body weight. An achievable, sustainable goal is to aim to lose around 0.45kg per week.

2. Make your calories count
Calories indeed count, but they don’t always tell the whole story. Not all calories are created equal. And a healthy diet isn’t just about counting calories. It’s also about making your calories count – especially when you’re limiting or reducing your calorie intake. 

If you opt for fresh veggies, lean protein, healthy monounsaturated fats, and whole grains as the basis of your diet, you’ll feel more satisfied, you’ll provide your body with better nutrition, and you’ll start to see the impact on the scales (and those skinny jeans) almost immediately.

Real, whole foods provide hydration, stretch the stomach, and increase blood sugar these three things are responsible for what helps you to feel full or satisfied after a meal. 

Faux foods that contain refined carbohydrates and sugars provide calories and increase blood sugar, but often fail to hydrate the body and stretch the stomach, which can leave you feeling unsatisfied or snacky afterward. Whole foods will ensure you get adequate nutrients and that you feel satisfied after each meal.

Folks follow entirely different ways in which of losing fat-like, for example, dieting, aerobics, jogging, yoga, etc. However, some do like going to the Gyms North Brisbane and working out.

3. Exercise incidentally
Exercise doesn’t have to be deliberate. And it doesn’t have to be hard. It’s easy to up your incidental use and has fun while you’re doing it by making a few little changes. A more active lifestyle can be as simple as wandering around the shops or heading to an art gallery this weekend. The great thing about incidental exercise is you won’t even realize you’re doing it. Some of our favorite ways to exercise accidentally-on-purpose are:

– visiting the farmer’s market or the mall (the average slow walk burns about 250 calories per hour)
– blasting music while doing the housework (ironing burns about 128 calories per hour, and vacuuming about 180 calories per hour)
– playing frisbee or throwing a ball around (a vigorous game can burn up to 450 calories per hour)
– going for a bike ride (depending on how fast you cycle, you can burn between 200-500 calories per hour)
– doing some gardening (yard work like planting, raking and weeding burns between 200-350 calories per hour)

Gyms North Brisbane
4. Ditch the extra sugar
As well as adding calories to your diet, sugar has a whole range of adverse health effects on your body, including addiction, weight gain, increased hunger, acne, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit it, and a whole heck of a lot more besides those. The maximum recommended sugar intake is less than six teaspoons per day. But most westerners consume around 40. Gasp. That translates to 160 grams of sugar per day!

You can become more aware of what sugar is added to your diet by simply reading the labels on your favorite foods. If you’re not sure how many teaspoons, divide the grams by four. You might be surprised by how many “healthy” foods (like bottled sauces, salad dressings, and cereals) have sugar added.

Once you’re aware of what sugar you’re consuming, you can begin to reduce the extraneous calories quickly. Most low-fat products add sugar to make up for the flavor missing from fat, so opt for full fat rather than low-fat to quickly drop the amount of sugar in your diet. Successful Power Lifting Brisbane workouts focus more on developing strength rather than building muscle mass. 

5. Drink more water
Did you know the recommended daily water intake is 2.2 liters per day for sedentary women and 2.7 liters for men? Even mild dehydration can cause a whole boatload of symptoms, including dry skin, fatigue, decreased brain function, anxiety, headaches, reduced physical performance, migraines, sugar cravings, and high blood pressure. Yes, really!

Your body is constantly losing water from sweating, skin evaporation, breathing, and going to the, ahem, restroom. These losses must be replaced daily for good health. Drinking water will flush out the body of toxins and restore lost fluid. Around 75% of your recommended daily water intake should come from fluids. You can encourage yourself to drink more water by setting reminders in your phone, carrying a water bottle around, and trying free apps which will remind you like waterlogged. Herbal and fruit teas are another great way to ensure you stay hydrated, but not bored.

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